NOTE: REPUBLISHED FROM MAY 2015 AFTER EDITING TO SHOW PROPERLY WITH… Read the postBeekeeper Toni and the importance of bees
To see more photos of this day click here When I bought the… Read the postA la mesa con una paella y la familia
Tim Brunsden’s video of the opening party Nit de Maestrat is here! To… Read the post¡Vive el Maestrat and party!
It is now exactly a staggering 10 years since I first set… Read the postA celebration of El Maestrat!
I have been here on and off for seven years, and now… Read the postIs this the most beautiful spot in El Maestrat?
Here, because so many people are asking about Masia Lavanda, I have… Read the postThe early days of Masia Lavanda
UPDATED 2023 -START HERE! I have been going back… Read the postLiving in El Maestrat – an introduction