The early days of Masia Lavanda

Here, because so many people are asking about Masia Lavanda, I have concentrated solely on this mad finca adventure; its beginnings, middle and yes, even somewhat of an end.

As it is entirely off-grid, it has been a project that makes me shudder when I look back on it.  Many of my experiences have been quite painful to write down and I have felt the need to take breaks.  Finally it was finished, or at least just the bare bones of it.

Has it been worth it though?  Yes, absolutely, and totally life changing. And the polishing goes on, mostly re the nature around it. The posts start with the first and end with the last. Ignore the next post bit , just click backwards an then click on the next post. Clearly I’m an IT moron.  So read on…

Masia Lavanda at first sight
Masia Lavanda at first sight

“The small stone house spoke to me, I was in awe, I showed other people – most were horrified or alternatively amused”

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