So I am here again, invited for the last hand harvesting of Pou de Piques’s deep purple grapes. I have not heard from Domingo for some time and he not from me. We have both been busy with other things.

I was happy to come, and his regular Moroccan pickers were happy to see me. As were his family helpers. It was so strange in a nice way because in the beginning, 3 years or more ago, they were somewhat hesitant, but now they are more than welcoming. Welcoming to the point that one Moroccan, my favourite model by the way, invited me to his self -built home to meet and photograph his wife and three children. It is in the Moroccan style, he explained with arches and such.

My other favourite model this time was Manolo, a spritely 82!

The day was much as any other, sunny, but not too hot, just very pleasant. As usual it was very thirst provoking.

Once the paid help had ffinished, they were remunerated and did not stay for lunch this time. I am not sure why, but I think it is because the meat was not Halal? This is a wild guess.

Domingo loaded all the grapes into his colourful truck and sent me a lovely smile. Note that his day job is advertised on its side. This shows you how hard he works. And how much dedication his real love takes. He is definitely lucky to have so much family help.

Talking of which, soon a troupe of family and friends arrived and a long table was set outside in the shade of the giant carob tree in front of the main house. At least I think it is a carob tree – who knows!

By the way, Domingo asked me to capture his uncle Manolo and so I concentrated a lot on him. You can see even more photos in my gallery at the end. He was actually delighted to get the attention and repeatedly told me he was 82. He is that wiry type that never gains weight nor loses muscle tone. Doesn’t smoke either. Something tells me he will be around for some time yet.

We talked about this and that, and I said I was not exactly a spring chicken either. This pleased him and the rest of the day he needed no encouraging to pose for the camera.

The children of Domingo’s brother were there, as well as his own Julia, but both wives were absent. Quite a few confidences were shared with me and it makes you realise that things are not always as they seem.

Or maybe they are. Anyway, here are my chosen photos and of course you can see much more via the link at the end. I cannot stress enough how much I love to be part of the Spanish life around here. It is so enriching. Tomorrow I am off to another place nearby as a result of this visit. Maybe I will write about it. Sometimes it is not so easy.
If you know what I mean!

To see more photos of this and previous posts of Pou de Piques, click on the link here
Fantastic photos and loved the insights into these people, read in bed with a coffee this morning and much enjoyed! Charlie
A nice place to be – in bed with coffee of a morning! xx
An awesome article loved it hugs xxx
Thank you Norman – I hope you enjoy your bike!
wonderful photos and lovely day…I was there!
thank you for recording the sights and stories. of our adopted land Steph
I know you were there! So was I. This time I just concentrated on the Spanish part, but look in the back of the table shots – you are there – I never am! Or so it seems.
Excellent story and great photos as always
thank you!